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As of March 2025, we’ve curated over 6 of Cottage Life’s premier shows for your viewing pleasure. Some of the best tv shows from Cottage Life include Backroad Bounty and Cabin Truckers, airing in 2014 and 2015 respectively. Cottage Life’s extensive portfolio includes more than 6 shows, spanning the years from 2014 to 2023.
With keen eyes for detail and a knack for finding hidden gems, Marty Gebel and Peter "Bam-Bam" Bamford team up to travel the back roads of rural Canada in hopes of bringing vintage and unique treasures to the spotlight.
There’s a dream home—and there’s a dream location. Cabin Truckers follows the complicated business of hauling colossal cabins across rocky, mountainous terrain delivering precious cargo to remote, picturesque locations. Watch as an expert team navigates through extremely rocky, mountainous terrain, delivering precious cargo to thrilled homeowners.
In Secrets in the Sand, experts uncover four global stories of "extraordinary curiosities that were once concealed in the deserts of the planet."
Nothing beats life on the lake. It's the ultimate escape from the hustle and bustle of the daily grind with stunning views, gorgeous waterfronts, and serene sunsets. With unlimited budgets and endless wish-lists, each episode takes you on a tour of three opulent properties, along with potential buyers, as they weigh their options and ultimately decide which home is the one for them.
Dr Kwane is on a mission to help the pets and people of America who need it the most – the homeless. From treating simple ailments on the side of the road, to major emergencies that require dashing to a hospital for surgery, the series follows Dr Kwane as he offers the pets, and the people, much needed help, advice and hope.
Mysteries from Above takes to the skies to offer audiences a chance to see the world from fresh and exhilarating perspectives. The series explores remote, hard-to-reach locations as drones explore strange geological occurrences, unique man-made structures, curious creatures and lost civilizations, revealing fascinating insights and never-before-seen footage to the viewers. Each episode follows four unique storylines from developed and isolated aerial vantage points, with in-depth analysis and narration from world leading experts including Dr. Karen Bellinger, Anthropologist and Historical Archaeologist; Dr. Cylita Guy, Ecologist and Data Scientist; Dr. Dan Riskin, Evolutionary Biologist; Anthony Morgan, Science Communicator; Dr. Jean Li, Archaeologist; George Kourounis, Explorer-in-Residence for the Royal Canadian Geographical Society; and many more.